brack electrical contracting, electrician service, Camano Island and Stanwood

40 Years Experience in Electrical
Services and Construction Management.


Call: 360-672-1684



Serving Stanwood, Camano Island and surrounding communities.


Commercial, Residential and






For SERVICE REQUESTS please email us your name, address, phone number and description of the work you would like done.


Please click here to download our company brochure.

Specializing in:

• Electrical CAD design.

Electrical Service and Repair. Residential, Commercial and Industrial.

Generator Installation. Certified Generac Service Technician.

Residential, Commercial & Industrial Installation Services.

Design and Consulting.

Experienced in Design and Project Management of large multi million dollar   commercial construction, as well as condos and new residential   construction.




From our customers:


Enclosed is the final payment for our solarium project. It has been a pleasure working with you. Thank you for your professionalism. -We'd love to call on you again as we do future remodeling projects. Thankx! Cheryl and Jay P.", Camano Island.

electrician camano stanwood


Photo of my Grandfather's electrical business in the 1940's


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